Are Cane Borers and Caterpillars Injuring Profit?

Sugarcane borer larvae bore into the stalk causing lodging and “dead heart.” Sucrose can be reduced as much as 20 percent. DiPel controls borers and other lepidopteran pests. Every lot of DiPel® is tested on more than 2,000 lepidopteran larvae at various stages in manufacturing. Photo courtesy of Entomology Department, University of Florida

Your Answer Is DiPel® 6.4 WG

Sugarcane borers can cause serious damage to your cane crop. Larvae bore into stalks causing lodging, damage to inner leaves resulting in a condition known as “dead heart,” and creating points of entry for pathogens. The amount and quality of juice that can be extracted from infested canes is reduced when borers are present, and sucrose yield may go down by 10 to 20%.

DiPel® is a biological insecticide containing the naturally occurring microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk). On sugarcane plantations, DiPel® 6.4 WG (wettable granule) offers control of sugarcane borer (Diatraea saccharalis) as well as other Lepidopteran pests.

Globally, DiPel® has become a cornerstone insecticide in many IPM programs as it offers high quality, cost-effective, broad-spectrum caterpillar control on more than 200 crops, including vegetables, fruits, nuts, vines, cotton, oil palm, and corn. Specific registrations vary by country.

The active ingredient in DiPel® consists of an optimized blend of four potent Bt Cry-toxin proteins, spores, and other natural, synergizing components. Many other Bt strains lack the volume and balance of Bt toxin proteins that DiPel® delivers. Bt subsp. kurstaki toxins have distinct modes of action unlike any chemical insecticide, providing a perfect tool for insect pest control programs which employ tank mix or rotation for insecticide resistance management. DiPel® has never shown cross-resistance with any chemical insecticide.

There are many reasons to choose DiPel® 6.4 WG for control of sugarcane borer and other lepidopteran pests in your cane plantation:

Consistent Performance

The value of DiPel® begins with effective and consistent in-field performance. DiPel® is produced with exacting quality control. Every lot of DiPel® is tested multiple times during manufacturing to make sure it meets the performance standards growers expect in the field.

Low Impact on Workers and the Environment

With its highly specific activity and natural origin, DiPel® does not harm important beneficial insects. DiPel® can be used in combination with Cotesia flavipes, an endoparsitoid of Lepidopteran larvae, for a complete, biological control program. With the shortest reentry intervals allowed and zero-day Preharvest interval, DiPel® gives growers the flexibility to control destructive pests with minimal impact on crop management and harvest scheduling.

Resistance Management

The multiple modes of action present in DiPel® have made it the premier insect resistance management tool for more than 40 years. Putting it into your IPM program can stop resistant populations from building.

Harvest and Residue Management

DiPel® can be applied up to the time of harvest and is exempt from residue tolerance (zero PHI, regional regulations may vary). This makes DiPel® a critical tool during periods of multiple harvests and for late-season applications to meet the most exacting Maximum Residue Level (MRL) demands.