Are Mealybugs a Problem for Your Pineapples?

Mealybugs (shown above) are sucking insects that destroy plant health by sucking the sap from the leaves and covering the fruit with a white, waxy coating that can make the fruit unmarketable. Epingle® controls mealybugs, scale and whitefly.

Your Effective Solution for Scale, Mealybug and Whitefly

Mealy-Bugs-in-PineapplesMealybugs are oval, cottony, soft-bodied sucking insects that become lethal to pineapple plants when their population is increased and bugs suck the sap from leaves causing the plant to wilt.

When the pineapple fruits are infested they become entirely covered with white, waxy coating making it unfit for marketing. Leaves appear pale green to yellow streaks; tips become brown. The predominant symptom is wilting of leaves commencing from the leaf tips.

Pineapple scale is also likely to be found on pineapple leaves and fruit worldwide, it built up on the crown of the developing fruits and, at harvest, the seed material may be heavily infested.

A scale attack on pineapple commonly shows rust- colored spots on the leaves. In the case of this insect the scale or protective armor is made up partly of a waxy secretion of the insect and partly of molted skins.

Epingle®, from Sumitomo Chemical, is a naturally-occurring insect growth hormone that interferes with the the growth and development of mealybugs, scale and whitefly to cut pest populations and protect your crop.

Proper application of Epingle® breaks the reproductive cycle of these pests, thereby reducing pest populations and avoiding damage to your Pineapple crop. Epingle® is highly effective in controlling immature stages of scale, mealybugs and whiteflies, thereby breaking the population cycle and reducing your problems.

Epingle®’s active ingredient pyriproxyfen inhibits embryogenesis in eggs, larval development and metamorphosis, resulting in immature, infertile insects that can’t reproduce. Epingle® also disturbs diapause in target insects, which for many species is a critical part of development.

Use according to label directions has little effect on beneficial insects.

Always read and follow label directions.