Lepidopteran Caterpillars Destroying Your Pineapple Crop?

Thecla (shown below) and other lepidopteran larvae chew leaves and bore into fruit (above) destroying crop quality.

Fight Back With DiPel® and Xentari®

Thecla basilidesPINAA variety of lepidopteran caterpillar pests can cause yield loss in pineapple. One example is the pineapple fruit borer, Strymon megarus, a principal pest in many regions. The pineapple fruit borer larvae chew leaves or bore into fruit, reducing crop vigor and destroying the marketability of the crop. Damage from these types of pests vary greatly, but can be substantial if populations are allowed to grow unchecked.

DiPel® and Xentari® provide excellent control of harmful Lepidopteran insects while protecting beneficial insects, keeping residues low and managing insect resistance.

DiPel® is a biological insecticide from Valent BioSciences Corporation (VBC) containing the naturally occurring microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies kurstaki (Btk). For the manufacture of DiPel®, VBC selected a high yielding Btk strain (ABTS-351) with broad-spectrum activity against caterpillar pests. Globally, DiPel® has become a cornerstone insecticide in many integrated pest management (IPM) programs as it offers high quality, cost-effective, broad-spectrum caterpillar control on more than 200 crops, including not only pineapples, but oil palm, vegetables, fruits, nuts, vines, cotton, and corn.

Dipel - Xentari graph
In-field research shows DiPel® and Xentari® to be excellent control for Thecla basilides and other caterpillar pests.

The active ingredient in DiPel® consists of an optimized blend of four potent Cry-toxin proteins, spores, and other natural, synergizing components. Many other Bt strains lack the volume and balance of Cry-toxin proteins that DiPel® delivers. DiPel® toxins have a distinct mode of action unlike any chemical insecticides, providing a perfect tool for insect pest control programs which employ tank mixing or rotation for insecticide resistance management. DiPel® has never shown cross-resistance with any chemical insecticide.

XenTari®, also from VBC, is the world’s only biological insecticide containing a natural, potent strain (ABTS-1857) of the microorganism Bacillus thuringiensis subspecies aizawai (Bta). Xentari’s unique active ingredient brings additional potency to your IPM solution. XenTari® is unique even among Bta strains, producing an atypical Cry-toxin protein profile which contributes to its broad-spectrum Lepidoptera control.

There are several reasons that DiPel® and XenTari® should be a part of the integrated pest management (IPM) solution on your pineapple plantation:

Consistent Field Performance. 
DiPel®/Xentari® are produced through fermentation with exacting quality standards. Every production lot is tested multiple times to make sure it meets the performance standards that growers expect in the field.

Low Impact on Workers and the Environment
With its highly specific activity and natural origin, DiPel® and XenTari® do not harm important beneficial insects such as bees for pollination, insect predators, and parasites in which naturally control other insect pests.

Resistance Management: Used in tank mix or as a rotation partner with other insecticides, DiPel® and Xentari® have a multifaceted mode of action making it a cornerstone in many insect resistance management programs.

Harvest and Residue Management. DiPel® and XenTari® can be applied right up to the time of harvest (zero-day preharvest interval), though regional regulations may vary. This makes these products a perfect choice for periods with multiple harvests and for late-season applications, enabling a program that meets the most exacting Maximum Residue Level (MRL) demands.