Proper application of Epingle® breaks the reproductive cycle of the mealybug pest (above), thereby reducing pest populations and avoiding damage to your banana crop. Research shows significant control (graph below) through direct application to stem and leaves.
Your Answer Is Epingle®
Mealybugs damage leaves, stunt growth and depress yield.
A mealybug infestation is indicated by large amounts of cottony wax, typically among both banana leaves and fruit. The wax created by mealybugs also attracts a black, sooty mold, which is unsightly and difficult to wash off of fruit.
Epingle®, from Sumitomo Chemical, is a naturally-occurring insect growth hormone that interferes with the the growth and development of whiteflies, and other pest species, including scale and mealybugs.
Proper application of Epingle® breaks the reproductive cycle of the pest, thereby reducing pest populations and avoiding damage to your banana crop. Epingle® is highly effective in controlling immature stages of scale, mealybugs and whitefly, thereby breaking the population cycle and reducing your problems.
Epingle®’s active ingredient pyriproxyfen inhibits embryogenesis in eggs, larval development and metamorphosis, resulting in immature, infertile insects that can’t reproduce. Epingle® also disturbs diapause in target insects, which for many species is a critical part of development.
Use according to label directions has little effect on beneficial insects. Always read and follow label directions.