Need Better Banana Quality and Longer Green Life?

When your goal is to prevent bananas from de-greening (above) and avoiding the rejection of your crop, RyzUp® is the answer. Research has shown that RyzUp can add as much as a full week (graph at right) of marketability. RyzUp® can extend the postharvest green life of the marketable crop.

Your Best Players Are RyzUp® 40SG and ProGibb® 40SG

Ryzup-Banana-GraphYou can grow the best crop of bananas you’ve ever grown, but unless they reach market in top condition, you will not get your reward. There are ways to increase green life and assure top quality through consumer use. The answer is using a proven plant growth regulator (PGR).

RyzUp® 40SG and ProGibb® 40SG PGRs bring three benefits to delivering high-quality bananas:

  • They delay the natural maturation of the crop
  • They maintain the quality of the fruit longer
  • They increases the percentage of marketable fruit after transport

Environmentally friendly products, RyzUp® 40SG and ProGibb® 40SG are unique, formulations of the naturally occurring plant growth regulator gibberellic acid. Both are approved for organic production by the Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI). Used in combination with good post-harvest practices, these products have been shown to increase banana green life by more than one week, ensuring that fruit arrives at that market in optimal condition.

To improve post-harvest green life, these RyzUp® 40SG or ProGibb® 40SG are applied prior to packing and shipping in combination with alum and fungicides. The goal is to prevent the bananas from de-greening (ripening and turning yellow), as any sign of yellowing will result in bananas being rejected. After washing the crop, RyzUp® 40SG or ProGibb®40SG are applied directly to the bananas’ “hands’ in the form of a drench or spray, or brushed onto cut ends.

RyzUp® 40SG also has benefits during the production phase of bananas, where it stimulates cell division, so it can alleviate plant stress caused by adverse weather or disease conditions. With this approach, RyzUp® 40SG is combined with fungicides and applied as a foliar spray, by ground and/or air, in a year-round program. In addition, when applied in new plantations RyzUp® 40SG’s growth-enhancing activity can be used to improve yields.